181 / 3
21st Dec 2014
20th Jun 2016
Huge 116x300 print area. 24k 174 bit parallel drive. 30 element printing. Merry Christmas! Credit to my Step Daughter for the Artwork. she drew it in a couple of hours it took me ~35 hours to code. Machine is COPY WITH CREDIT IF you write new code.
printer electronic crayart solid print memory aray electronics


  • mecha-man
    26th Dec 2014
    @Schmolendevice: Sounds like what your doing is similar to this save id:1487115 (by benthecrazy) It was made before FILT types worked on BRAY so it can probably be improved. Also his didn't deal with overflow very well.
  • Schmolendevice
    26th Dec 2014
    Uses only one physical full adder circuit and uses a barrel shifter to cycle through each cascaded bit calculation. Could never beat markdude2222's 2 frames per bit design though. Carry lookahead is just too complex to implement as of the present.
  • Schmolendevice
    26th Dec 2014
    Yeah, exactly. Figured to do so and now have a working sort of compact 8-frames per bit ripple carry adder. Essentially being able to keep track of the use of OR FILT to set that 30th bit as well as add or remove flag bits to make sure that your AND and XOR operatons never return a ctype 0.
  • marcus2004
    26th Dec 2014
    truly amazing
  • QuentinADay
    25th Dec 2014
    wow nice +1
  • Korteweg
    25th Dec 2014
    The art has no decorations!
  • Microchip
    25th Dec 2014
    Wow. I can't even begin to comprehend this... Great work though!
  • Microchip
    25th Dec 2014
    Wow. I can't even begin to comprehend this... Great work though!
  • Sandwichlizard
    24th Dec 2014
    simililarly, but not as critical, I use the left most red bit as the format state of the drive. every 30 bit filt particle has that one set. However, I only read the other 29 as data when decoding. that is why this drive is 174 parallel bits instead of 180. Its a sacrificial bit.
  • mecha-man
    24th Dec 2014
    @Schmolendevice: I do it by having a flag set on eveything that I use for computation, and just make sure that whenever I use FILT logic, that I always mask it properly so that the result will have that bit set, that way i don't have to check for the 0.