425 / 47
15th Feb 2011
2nd Jun 2014
Make sure to press W and switch the gravity to radial. Four cities fighting over their planets oil reserves, who will win, will anyone survive? You decide. Cation planet may explode.
planet oil war sand four city whalezor crumbley fragile attack


  • egg9999
    23rd Sep 2014
    A greedy man from South City digs down and steals some oil for himself. Later, West City send a plane to drop bombs on South City. One bomb falls down the hole. The rest is self explanatory.
  • egg9999
    23rd Sep 2014
    A giant green star comes into orbit with the planet. It ends being so close to the planet that it sucks up the west side. It is really hot, and so a lot of molten glass and general lava is made. Eventually, the star disappears, dumping everything on the planet. Some of it gets to the oil supply. The rest is self explanatory.
  • The_Powder_Boy
    22nd Sep 2014
    My story: There once was a man named bob. He worked at the oil quarry. He liked to smoke cigars. The rest is self explanatory.
  • The_Powder_Boy
    21st Sep 2014
    Top left*
  • The_Powder_Boy
    21st Sep 2014
    One pixel of dest dropped at the right spot imbetween east and south city drills right through the sand, and makes it through to the far top-right corner of the oil bubble in the middle, shattering all the bmtl that its incased in, making a sinkhole and spewing out flames fromt he ignited oil, blowing up all cities at the same time. Wow.
  • egg9999
    1st Sep 2014
    As NOT predicted, half the oil supply turns into gas and EXPLODES. In fact, most of it explodes. Half the planet is blown off into space. A huge flame destroys North and West City. And karma bites South City in the ass. Only East city survives. But even then, barely any of the oil remains.
  • egg9999
    1st Sep 2014
    South City opens the Lua Console Research Facility (LCRF) and begins tapping into the lua console. Two commands later, they have created a red gas that explodes into plasma upon contact with electricity. They then launch a gas missile full of this gas onto North City's water supply. A huge mushroom cloud is created. As predicted, North City's water and electricity supply is destroyed. BUT...
  • AdmiralAkbar1
    1st Sep 2014
    Admit it. The first thing all of you thought of was setting all the oil on fire.
  • 99sheiks
    21st Aug 2014
    My story: North City gained access to the L.U.A. Research Facility, where they accessed the 5th state of matter: The Bose-Einstein Condensate. They then equipped the condensate with heat resistant shields and released it upon the planet, freezing everything while the north flew into space to be safe. They then came back to get the oil.
  • EuPoK
    18th Aug 2014
    *Second attack is on the East, not West. Sorry.