157 / 46
29th Nov 2014
30th Nov 2014
accidental discovery if you ctrl+shift click fill the area encased with diamond with hygn it will break the diamond shell containing it.
twofpslol llooll lawbreaking ehole mindblow diamond ploopo fusion


  • Alfa
    3rd Dec 2014
    Also @Anonymous100 no need to worry its fine :D!
  • Alfa
    3rd Dec 2014
    wow, 4 days 14000 views, im amazed! For all you debaters in this chat (and just you people who like to see stuff explode) thanks for keeping this save alive!
  • Schneumer
    3rd Dec 2014
    why don't you just test it. copy paste Black hole on dmnd
  • Anonymous100
    2nd Dec 2014
    Sorry guys The_New_Powder99999 is correct. The diamond is deleted due to excess stacking of particles over it. I apologize for spreading misinformation. Sorry Alfa :P
  • Corpsey
    2nd Dec 2014
    For anyone wanting to figure it out without console commands: Get titn (or anything really) and hold z + mouse wheel up and fill the middle of the diamond. Then get diamond and increase the border of the diamond by 10. Then hold ctrl + shift and right click out the material you filled the middle with (leavng the URAN). And fill with HYGN.. :P
  • jasiu2002
    2nd Dec 2014
    Alright, I waited until it all finally stopped. Not a single pixel of dmnd less. Checked using console commands.
  • TheKingOfLife2
    2nd Dec 2014
  • LBPHacker
    2nd Dec 2014
    Aw god. You can see me going on about this doing nothing a bunch of comments earlier, but it turns out I was wrong. Listen, FRIGGIN GIVE IT TIME (and read the older comments, that's what I did and that was when the facepalming began). So I'll just say it again: it creates BHOL by making tons of particles get stuck on the same pixel. That sometimes happens over a DMND particle and guess what, the BHOL removes everything from the pixel it is on. I'm terribly sorry for having been such a noob.
  • the_new_powder99999
    2nd Dec 2014
    This does actually break the diamond, after a while so many particles are layered on top of the diamond that a black hole forms. The black hole deletes all particles in the same position as itself, which deletes the diamond.
  • codyblade
    2nd Dec 2014
    False it only layers on top of it much like protons therefore not breaking it and keeping diamonds invincible. To most things