29th Nov 2014
30th Nov 2014
accidental discovery if you ctrl+shift click fill the area encased with diamond with hygn it will break the diamond shell containing it.
Technically it's breaking it in a way by turning it to bhol by layering too much but it's not truly breakig it
it doesent break it....if you know that if youl layer to many particals together it creates black hole....this has layerd to many particils THUS creating black hole witch looks like holes in the diamond......THANK YOU VERDY MUCH GOOD BYE!
This doesn't work! no diamond is actually broken
@Xerr88 That's a horrible idea... Diamond is unbreakable because it's meant as a solid unbreakable object why would we want another Brck?
Xerr88, that's called goo.
there shold be a really rare element called bdmd or broken diamond if it was destryable which it should be
@Voyager15 lol just right click xD dont press anything :D
whooa...some kind of hydrogen bomb was needed for this xD
theres only on way too destoy dimonfd and that is by rubbing it out but for the big boom +++++1111111193821727472323720 there
I found out a much more efficient way to delete diamond! Click on the delete button, then right click on the diamond :P