(Terms & Conditions) I will only make a logo IF YOU USE IT, Not making any name fonts. Only making for people that are nice :> ) You can ask for spoilers, etc. :>
please make me that bugatti no one else will do it thaey all say ask metaforce and i want to add to the logo that i have and i do have saves plz meke me a bugatti veyron
?? Downvote?. Wow, don't you know that these are hard to make and they take lots of time!. I literally have to school and you guys are hating because i cant make the vehicle you want.
(New notice: Only Accepting European cars, Japanese cars, Australian cars. For people twice as nice: i'll try my best to make at least an american car that is under the year 2000/1999
@Everyone who asked for an american vehicle, Im sorry. I just can't make it. My brain has another brain that says i can't make any american car.
@goldtom you mean Mazda CX6?. Lol okay but you gotta hold, getting too many requests.
mazda x6 please
@Goosegag, Motorbike? Aviation? (planes) BICYCLES? @powder, sorry cannot make yet but i will make soon.
make FSO polonez
can you make some thing... anything that is not a car?
aww hell na. Durango 2011