Viva La Revolution(prefered speach) /Long live the Revolution/Vive Le Revolution
Okey for A sec I thought you were making fun of Us Muricans
whoever gets it wins one awesome point.
can i just point out that "dumby" isn't a word? dummie (a babies dummie or "pacifier" if you're american), dummy (idiot, one who is dumb) however, are both words. one of which you are, and one of which you need.
Good now stop complaining and try harder explosivepowder
also, ya know whats funny? not-alloud-on-fp stuff ends up with like double the amount of ups aloud-on-fp stuff does -_- i make a bunch of USEFULL saves and the biggest i got was a cool neutron patturn art with a 4!! useing jacob1's mod, i am able to see that value for other saves and this has 8!!