610 / 23
15th Sep 2014
10th Oct 2023
For mimi606 PRESS 7, H and turn deco ON.
nebula dontresume orange blue stars supernova space muchart pink bomb


  • mimi606
    17th Sep 2014
    awww, you're cute :3 and it makes me happy, that it makes you happy, that it makes me happy xD (and I'm writing nonsense again... sry D: xD)
  • Sel2Mer
    17th Sep 2014
    "Je t'aime" is correct! :) It makes me happy to make you happy. And you do not need to thank me, if you're happy that's the most important. :)
  • mimi606
    17th Sep 2014
    Je t'aime (<- is that right? I have bad grades in french xD) and and this should be on fp foreeever (yeah I know... it's art q.q... can't anybody introduce the "art saves can be on fp" rule or something xD) aand... just a question: What is CGI?
  • mimi606
    17th Sep 2014
    ...I'm... I'm... crying... now... this... whaa, I'm speechless q.q this is the best save I've ever seen... it's my favourite of all favourite's, which I have. MEEEH... I'm really crying now. uhm... I have no words to discribe how happy I am. THAAANKS! >_< I really can' believe you did such a great thing for me...
    17th Sep 2014
    wow thats pretty cool .
  • megamageiii
    17th Sep 2014
    Regular_K: Yes it is
  • megamageiii
    17th Sep 2014
    You should put the text in the sign in the description and delete the sign. It would make it look better. Otherwise, it is amazing. +1
  • jacksonmj
    16th Sep 2014
    dom2mom: because art...
  • Sel2Mer
    16th Sep 2014
    @SlenderHunter:I draw since my 8 year old. I'm 24 yo.
  • dom2mom
    16th Sep 2014
    Why is this not on FP anymoe?!