610 / 23
15th Sep 2014
10th Oct 2023
For mimi606 PRESS 7, H and turn deco ON.
nebula dontresume orange blue stars supernova space muchart pink bomb


  • sentinal-5
    1st Oct 2014
    ummm bit heavy on the conviction there.. jacksonmj is a perfectly good moderator. it's just the TPT rulebook is starting to collect dust! if nothing was ever allowed to change, we would still be amoebas in hot mud. don't you think it's time for TPT to evolve? art is a great way to expand the community.
  • rememberme
    1st Oct 2014
    jacksonmj if you cant see that TPT is diffrant now I dont think your fit for modderator. The future is here and we shall revolt. TPT is a place to Share Ideas, From guns to Art.
  • ShadeDrake97
    27th Sep 2014
    Because any place needs art. Period.
  • ShadeDrake97
    27th Sep 2014
    Aaaand that's where I disagree with you, jacksonmj. It was not made to be this way, but it has become so, because people are just bad*** like that. I feel like it's the perfect place for it. :D
  • jacksonmj
    24th Sep 2014
    It's not a question of "is it good/beautiful?", but instead "is this the right place for it?"
  • jacksonmj
    24th Sep 2014
    sentinal-5: if it's just an image, I'd much prefer it to be shared as a PNG/JPG on an image sharing website, rather than as a TPT save. Powder Toy was not really designed to be a static image viewer...
  • sentinal-5
    22nd Sep 2014
    this goes to both of you.. IKR!!!
  • FearlessAlex262
    21st Sep 2014
    Is this TPT anymore? +1000000
  • mimi606
    21st Sep 2014
    sentinal-5: Same opinion and I just think, if the people like it... they like it xD then it should be on fp, art or no art. :P
  • sentinal-5
    21st Sep 2014
    oh, and @jacksonmj can't you see that sometimes art, good art like this, art with meaning, purpose, art done by someone who really truly deeply cares, can be better than a bomb or a computer? the true, deep beauty of something as simple as an image can make you FEEL so very much more than a little fizzle of colour from a bomb. you personally may not enjoy it. but a vast number of people out there really love and apriciate artistic majesty like this. please, for the community. have a heart.