Test your bomb with different walls of material. Ive gotten past level 11, can you? Update: now 20x harder than before. now there is void!
Angel - Add insl. Please. Proton immolates it.
i saw that you copied my level, and didnt beat it at all. it has to be completely destroyed bro.
so many ways to beat with 1 pixel.
so pretty much the same as my bomb? but likely larger?
i forget which save it was but i have a bomb saved as a cutout that makes it to 11, its a endless fusion bomb that uses vibr, phot, neut, and elec
just no spark, it makes lag, and my bomb gets me down to 2fps so if sparks were added i would have only 0.5-1 fps
nice. but i will be constantly making it harder :)
the bomb i posted actually gets to lvl 11, fusion wins!
hmmmm.... ill make it harder in a minute.
update beaten with 1px. 1620232