This is a prototype so plz judge farily. THX :D
and read the description
yeh i know. I am working on a shptgun that looks like a shotgun that uses cray but is contained so it isnt a blob k?
this is just a big blob of cray
r u just saying everything of mine is a big fail?
i'll take the protons out if u want?
ok, anyway i am sry and that's that - (Sincere apology but i did not copy u but liked ur idea)
Nah... I posted mine.. before that and you replied to it before the other one was even made.. I saw your shotgun and I posted one I made with prot and you said it was cheating. 2 days later the other one got fp and 3 days or 4 days later you also added prot
oh i didnt copy ur thing before, i think i had copied some other one that was on the front page on the smae time as this
Oh btw funny thing is you tried to join the group made by the person you copied.... Wasn't that smooth eh? I know you knew because the save was: "GTECH" Eradicator