I'd like to see you do better, considering the fact that this is the only fuel that burns slow enough to make this thing work, and that even the Light Deuterium Missile took hours to build.
Another useless save on FP. Deuterium + cheap coal emitter -1
It isnt really a bomb, it's a missile, and it is supposed to go through all the stages of a missile. Why don't you try building one of these, if you haven't already, then you are in need of some good old knowhow.
I don't understand how a deut bomb with an activation mechanism just gets fp?
It's a deut bomb.......what?
Sorry for all the misspells, terrible grammar.
You konw personnaly I like the LDM 1.0 best, it's definitely not to heavy and it isn't bulky, its the type I would put on my fighter jet, and I know the other ones are too short, but this game doesn't exaxtly give you all the room in the world to mae these things.
hamada: The basic idea is to make it look like a two stage missile, but since that game has only two dimensions, I can only simulate one of its dimensions. Otherwise this rocket would have uniquely designed fins to help stabilize the rocket. But nice thought anyway, I'll have to buld a rocket with an electronic system to automatically stabilize itself, and in only two dimensions.
MatthewY: Yes you can copy the fuel chamber... If you haven't already.