81 / 6
30th Jul 2014
6th Sep 2014
See the forum post for more info.
computer fibonacci yournameisalie gtech technology digital logic unit processor tiny


  • sohil
    30th Jul 2014
    Or you could just do all of it in another version
  • sohil
    30th Jul 2014
    Suggestion: use a toggleable delay clock if you ever want to add more funtions, otherwise, this is pretty neat.
  • iamdumb
    30th Jul 2014
    {t:[thread id]|[Text]}
  • Butcandy47
    30th Jul 2014
    How do you make the clickable text boxes?
  • robogeek537
    30th Jul 2014
    **** damn it! i accidentially donwnvoted!
  • iamdumb
    30th Jul 2014
    @G-LinuxorU For this particular program, it doesn't. @sohil I think i'd probably need a completely new design. Functions for the ALU would also mean I'd have to adjust the clock to wait for it to be ready.
  • G-LinuxorU
    30th Jul 2014
    correct me if i'm wrong but the buffer doesn't need to hold more than one character.
  • sohil
    30th Jul 2014
    Not bad, but you should pay attention to the fact that it has a slow clock and you could add a bit more functions to the programming and ALU such as multiplication and division. Also if you want, I highly reccomend making the BRAY-FILT transmission lines more compact.
  • iamdumb
    30th Jul 2014
    The rest of the B2D has CRAY(INSL) with no tmp. That's for filling in the rest of the INSL for only 1 output. I need to use WALL to stop that, I'm not so worried about the CRAY(SPRK).
  • unknownkarma
    30th Jul 2014
    Here is what I mean: id:1594907