97 / 6
25th Jul 2014
11th Jan 2015
Better and bigger! Now with lungs! Creature V2, only from TPT! Comment what you want to see in it, and i try to add it.
aliengator organism alive blood food alligator crocodile living alien creature


  • lare290
    27th Jul 2014
    @ goodiesohhi well.. that would need more space.. thus needing bigger body.. and then i would need to remake whole body.. maybe in V3.. that would be dragon i told you about.. and i think i hate writing like this..
  • goodiesohhi
    27th Jul 2014
    Make it replenish blood with food.. Like mine: 1591652 so food actually does something... And make it die if it runs out of food also like mine... Anyways.. Awesome save... inspired me.. upvoted
  • lare290
    27th Jul 2014
    and that dragon guy gets real brains (not really real :D) that works like small computer to calculate those heart valves and stuff
  • lare290
    27th Jul 2014
    @batman333 more details please? how it would work? i could just put some soap in his blood
  • lare290
    27th Jul 2014
    @sweatydog29 it is possible, but hard and needs a lot bigger body. if i make that dragon i thought about, i promise to make valves and multiple chambers to its heart
  • lare290
    27th Jul 2014
    @MePlayPowderToy it died from other reason, stone didnt kill it. And this guy can eat plutonium if it isnt in active state
  • batman333
    27th Jul 2014
    add a immune system
  • thebaboon123456789
    27th Jul 2014
    killed it and brought it to life by reparing the brain(i like doing surgery on this thing or whtevr it is)
  • MePlayPowderToy
    27th Jul 2014
    i fed it stone it died i fed it plutonium it didnt die
  • 343industries
    27th Jul 2014
    make it poop out bombs!