Tired of your own world? No problem! You can now make your own using "Pixelated Gentleman's New World Kit" (batteries not included)
@Klaevin Thanks! I am more fascinated with TPT technology than art/bombs. I wanted something to represent myself. (I was convinced this century will pass before anyone finding out those are not chaotically blinking lights)
@Ender-king1699 Of course. It's a tutorial. If it doesn't help people, then why would I make it? :)
@paranoided I'm no art critic but...
wow, nice binary counter, in the bottom left corner
Can I use this with permission?
This one : 1580223
I don't make planets but hes a try : 1580222
@Paranoided With all due respect (as I have knowledge of your fairly famous saves) It's like telling a toddler that cannot walk "It's much faster to run, you know?". It's a tutorial. Which presents a way. I cannot make the International college for TPT deco in a save, you know. If you have better ways of drawing a planet (without actually drawing it yourself, because that is the point) tell me.
There are better ways of deco, this looks terrible.
@Paranoided Again, no offence taken, but what seems to be the problem? I cannot modify anything if you just say *IT*'s terrible.