AWESOME!!!!! i wish i give you +1000000000 but i can only give you +1
I managed to make the reactor damage itself, but only by turning off the cooling loops while it was running at full power.
i am going to try it now.
Wow. 1.8 was best reactor. And now 2 is best. Like. Definetily.
Guys i know how to turn it on/off for on, u spark ALL the green buttons for off all the red ones, simple really, the top is also deut making, and bottom is deut consuming, heat making, simple really, confusing at first glance, but i will admit, i did have troble first, because jm211 (SlimeLordJustin) Likes explosions, especially neuclear ones
not how to make it but how to use it
nobody is gonna make a tutorail for making a deut plant ... even other things