67 / 20
3rd Jun 2014
3rd Jun 2014
As Hydrogen is necessary in fusion, I wondered what would happen if water vapour was subject to the same fusion circumstances as CO2, HYGN or NBLE.
heat pressure hydrogen function science grenade plasma steam water fusion


  • steve1999
    3rd Jun 2014
    fusion bomb id:1496959
  • Bungie
    3rd Jun 2014
    It's actually pretty much the same.
  • Bungie
    3rd Jun 2014
    I made somthing like this.
  • zBuilder
    3rd Jun 2014
    I don't think water splits into OXYG and HYGN- though combining the gasses can make water.
  • Ryan316
    3rd Jun 2014
    The water has nothing to do with the fusion. THe fusion is from the combustion of the EXOT dispersing energy. If you watch the water turns into vapor but does not burn. At least not immediately, even though fusion is present.
  • observe
    3rd Jun 2014
    Yeah, nothing would really change if water was added
  • jman31415
    3rd Jun 2014
    It's the WARP from the EXOT explosion. It spontaniously generates electrons. But yeah, this is just fusion with the HYGN generated by the HYGN created after the ELEC splits the WATR.
  • Slartibartfast
    3rd Jun 2014
    Electrons seem to be spontaneously popping into existence inside the chamber, and if you open the chamber after the explosion they do this all over the screen. 222 degree electrons literally appear out of nowhere. Can anyone explain this?
  • luuk2005
    3rd Jun 2014
    cool effect!!!
  • GreenFireDragon
    3rd Jun 2014
    The water vapour doesn't do anything, the elec used on exot creates hygn on contact with the water, only a few particles but still enough for fusion