I spent many hours on this... can you guys PLEASE give me some feedback!
yay! dom, your back in!
Oh.... ok. I thought it was supposed to turn on and off. lol.
thats meant to hgappen... lol
You also need to put INSL where you deleted the PCLN
@TheNumberCrucher, the PCLN activating and sometimes not deactivating is caused by PROT going in the wire and absorbing the SPRK... This can be easily fixed by deleting the PCLN directly to the front and diagonal of the wire, preventing the PCLN from spawning PROT in the wire and forcing PROT going in the direction of the wire to be stopped by the INSL. Also, it's nice to see that your still active after all this time :D. Hope you haven't forgotten me!!!
the starfury, as of 1.2, is crap. It slowly shoots a star that does 22 damage. Still, nice art +1
Make some more!
aww... no more Fp... thank you guys anyway!
@Christian2323: first of all, learn to speak english; second of all, people can create whatever they want on Powder Toy; and third of all, get lost.
Que mierda, este es un simulador de ciencia no un simulador de iditoces de terraria