i have the strafury as well! It is pretty cool but i gave it to my sister on wifi. So i had room for meteorite armour plus i already had a better one then the starfury. ALSO +1
I really like the deco effects you did on the blade. :)
It's not against the rules to only use art, but it usually doesn't get front page.
@darthinalus... How bout... I just add some simple electronics... eg.. particle effects.
lol... I was gonna make this too, along with other Terraria stuf.
I dont mean to rush you... but you're focusing on too many things at once. Just focus on lights bane, and it'll be finished in no time. Also, lights bane would be a good thing to draw, but it doesnt do anything special in terraria, and there wont be any electronics in it, since all it does is swing, and since plain TPT art that doesnt do anything is against the rules... it cant be on FP... and if it was, it would be deleted, so... make it at you're own risk.
im makeing the Lights Bane