295 / 21
21st Apr 2014
21st Apr 2014
This star dies after a few seconds (15-20) and creates a quite beautiful nebulosa. NOTE: this don't is a supernova, is just a death of a small star, like the sun. Requisites to work: Air: velocity off. Gravity:off. Vote if you liked or not, FREE TO COPY.
nofpsdrop nebula star isfun goodfps nova explosion niceeffect coreiscore notabomb


  • cgb591rocks
    22nd Apr 2014
    @jklujm, Then why did you say it doesn't work well as a bomb. that has no significance. and sorry i am using such bad words! And im pretty sure you reading the description doesn't make you the all-knowing god of this save.
  • runemaster
    22nd Apr 2014
    That last bit was for TNTnuclear
  • runemaster
    22nd Apr 2014
    @TheClownBrothers: All I saw was an explosion. Also you're calling the sun a small star? Jeesus. Also our sun would go supernova.
  • theclownbrothers
    22nd Apr 2014
    @393, this is 'trying' to imitate the final moments of a "massive star", it's core finally reaches Iron in the fusion chain, when Iron gets fused, it looses energy, so the core collapses in on its self and rebounds in a massive blast called a supernova. What you are talking about is a star typically like our own, middle of the line main sequence star.
  • 339
    22nd Apr 2014
    just asking, dosen't a star expand when its dying, this is more like the reverse including its creation.
  • Denis071
    22nd Apr 2014
    I really like the concept and final ending! +1
  • mr_snrub
    22nd Apr 2014
    I'm just saying becasue i've heard you can be banned for asking for votes.
  • Alfa
    22nd Apr 2014
    remember this dont is a supernova.
  • master1900
    21st Apr 2014
    great +1
  • Daniel219
    21st Apr 2014
    That's pretty cool...