Hate detected! Firing Orbital Friendship Cannon! yes, i know about the typo in the name. and no, this is not from Gmod or CoD. http://emotibot.net/pix/3461.gif
Oh, one more thing stop insulting six year olds. :)
In my opimion, having a large iq is not indictitive of not being and idiot in the sense that he is using the word. in my opinion you are all idiots, yes even you bronie. And anyway, the average iq of the uk is 100, The united states average iq is 98, not much of a difference. And that small difference is not very significant, im thirteen and even i don't obssess over a childrens show.
lol everyone in the comments is so booty hurt about bronies stay mad everyone <3
*six year old *american national average of 97
@runemaster yes, i'm willing to accept that the bronies you may have encountered have been siz year old idiots (the two go hand in hand) but please accept that 60% of the My Little Pony fanbase is comprised of males between the ages of 15 and 22. i myself am 16 years old, and i'll have you know i have an IQ of 164 as measured during
my application to Christ's Hospital grammar school. and that an IQ score of over 180 is technically genius, with the national average IQ for England being 120. (and the national average for the USA being 90-something). i will thank you not to call me a six year old idiot.
@strangeowl nobody cares that you don't like bronies.
Make me wanna puke*
Bronies wanna make me puke
you typoed in purpose like my topic that is dead: "the alloys challange"