108 / 14
4th Apr 2014
4th Apr 2014
This is my first submarine, so, probably it isn't the best submarine but as for me It's very nice and realistic.
submarine yellowsubmarine yhyh notfusion freetocopy electricity electric reactor water collin


  • manderson119
    6th Apr 2014
    Just wondering, How is it a "Realistic" fusion reactor, even though they don't work at all yet in real life. We have made them but don't work well enough to make power.
  • hdp
    6th Apr 2014
    by the way the US and other goverments dont want diesle or electric because everyone can detect the smoke or the electricity
  • hdp
    6th Apr 2014
    is it next gen like bad consoles that people fight because one has a tad bit better hardware which doesnt do anything (PS4)because it runs the same as the other even without cool features(XBOX) or is it next gen like real nyan cat
  • chickenlord
    6th Apr 2014
    so can it run titanfall? wait is it next gen or next next gen?
  • unitmikey7
    5th Apr 2014
    @ThePyroManiac It works with a single pixel of PROT, in the right direction :)
  • ThePyroManiac
    5th Apr 2014
    Put DEST above the missiles and BOOM!
  • blok21
    5th Apr 2014
    its okay, I think it pretty cool!
  • hachh
    5th Apr 2014
    y pycckux BcerDa Bce kpyTo!
  • Dorito_tRF
    5th Apr 2014
    its deuterium oxide not deuterium, deuterium oxide doesnt fuse nor fission
  • tptmp
    5th Apr 2014
    Read the wiki, buntd, It says that it doesnt fuse, it fisses, Because there's typically a higher concentration of trittium in deutarium oxide compaired to hygrogen dioxide (Don't know why im saying it like that).