60 / 18
26th Mar 2014
31st Dec 2014
All fire works work! just remove the wall and move to a blank save then light the fuse!
3dart badspellinglol workshop firework


  • starcraftfan
    24th May 2014
    please make mine
  • starcraftfan
    2nd Apr 2014
    also how about starcraft 2 fireworks
  • starcraftfan
    2nd Apr 2014
    how about dark and bright
  • starcraftfan
    2nd Apr 2014
    i will be requesting fireworks maybe every week
  • Doolittle
    2nd Apr 2014
    No, Thankyou For Making It! I will just edit it just a bit so it says 500. THANKYOU! IM SOOO USING IT
  • Goopymess
    1st Apr 2014
    @Runemaster I am honored that you think I am good at TPT explosives, Thank you. As for the fireworks I will work on a virus soap, any special instructions? also @Doolitle I will make a celebration firework! Thanks so much for getting this on the front page for the SECOND TIME!
  • ICYhavoc45
    1st Apr 2014
    VZstrikez08Impactz, does that statement make any sense? Runemaster has made some pretty cool stuff so it's certainly not any lack abilities. Maybe he just wants to see if someone can do it, i've tried.
  • runemaster
    1st Apr 2014
    @VZstrikez08impactz: I have tried before, and while it worked it didn't work as well as I wanted. I just believe someone like this who knows a little more about TPT explosives than I do could get it right.
  • pikachu657
    1st Apr 2014
    These are really cool :D +1
  • VZstrikez08Impactz
    1st Apr 2014
    +runemaster How 'bout you do it?Like,you've probably tried,and it didn't work,or you doubt your abilities.If it was the latter,just try it.