I've made so many bombs at this point, creativity is slowly dyin' out. Most of my [newer] bombs incinerate everything in their path, so I dunno mate. And, as I'm currently trying a city, non-destructive creativity just doesn't appeal to me. I digress, I honestly just with I'd get some damn recognition, like you/oghaki/konsole. But oh well, being well known just may not be my thing.
PS That's an impressive bomb! Upvoted! ;)
I personally love it, since it makes people think outside the box! I've got a 2-stage bomb that's coated in c-5, and a fusion warhead underneath, for example. It promotes creativity, and that's what this game is for.
id:1497767 WHEEEEE no but seriously nice wall, I almost thought I wouldn't destroy it. x3 Sidenote: I feckin' hate bizs
Maybe... Tell me how that works for you! >-P
so looking at this it was made for extreme cold bombs fuzed with c4 to burn insl
Feedback is always welcome, and the concept is free to use, as always.