52 / 10
26th Feb 2014
27th Feb 2014
My first ever power plant. Uses molten thrm to heat water into steam, which then creates electricity in a generator.
powerplant thrm deco


  • agent5551
    27th Feb 2014
    Nice deco +1
  • Schneumer
    26th Feb 2014
    a bit simplistic. And wasn't the proto-nuclear your first? ORRRR was this a reupload )_)
  • Koox
    26th Feb 2014
    Possibly THE most STUNNING THRM power plant in T.P.T. Even though URAN & BOYL power plants are more efficient, this one is the most efficient of all THRM power plants and has the best deco. Very well done Darknr. +1
  • Doolittle
    26th Feb 2014
    Nice. Every day in TPT people are finding new ways to heat water to generate electricity. So you sucsessfully pioneered this way of using thermite to heat water. So Good Job! What will we find next?
  • epic5000
    26th Feb 2014
    Destroyable too +1 :)
  • runemaster
    26th Feb 2014
    @Warf123: It's not about being a new concept, it's about IMPROVING on said concept. For example I'm currently working on a mining droid without any kinks, basically flawless. You can still say that it sucks, just before you do it take into consideraton the time, effort, and just the focus it took to create such a save. The last Thermo-Nuclear power-plant (Or just a power plant using heat) I saw was extremely confusing, so Kudos to you Darkn.
  • Darkn1883r
    26th Feb 2014
    @i360: I wish...
  • megamageiii
    26th Feb 2014
    The 1700 degree thermite being dumped off screen is pretty wasteful. There might be a way to make it more efficient. Still worthy of a +1
  • warf123
    26th Feb 2014
    this concept is not new
  • i360
    26th Feb 2014
    1+ VERY DECO. Wait are you the next gen BuysDB?