16th Feb 2014
3rd Aug 2014
Copy foods into the taste bud area and press the salivation button. (This is the taste bud of a magical unicorn. Human taste buds can only detect one or two flavors.) Sugar is messed up and tastes slightly sour.
Alternatively, just search for BIZS
bizr in its solid form. i used console to make it, but you can just heat bizr.
what is bizs?? and how to make it?
you put things in it. you press the buttons. then you can see what it does.
That's actually quite cool (I still have no idea what it does) +1 anyway
it's a magical unicorn's taste bud, not a human's. it says so in the description.
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Quick fact: THE TONGUE MAP: the tongue map was a map of the human tongue that labeled different areas as pertaining to different tastes. As it happens though, the tongue mape was bogus- each tastebud detects every taste!
thats actuly not true, the human tongue scences taste prity much the same everywere on the tounge
sweet, salty, sour, bitter, savory. humans have different taste buds distributed somewhat evenly across the tongue.