four-cycle internal-combustion engine. !UPDATED - realistic piston movement sequence. New details.
i put oil under the lower piston... the engine is unaffected.
@Schneumer. Because he is yummy. I like cakes , omnomnomnom. And please dont act as villain. xD
*plays russian song to celebrate.* Tututut du du du 1+
look at my diamond melting lasers. they melt diamond
looks like a flametrower
absolutly love the use of the crank was a very smart idea, how ever while you say nothing is perfect i still think the engine could use a little fine tuning, i notice there is two engine cycles per exaust valve cycle and simple valve timing can prevent this, as well asother comments made, but beautiful engine you did an amazing job
This bug mostly happens in 1st and last cylinders, cause they have the thinnest flank sides.
nijalninja98, nothing is perfect. But yes, there is a bug happening when smoke and fire particles aren't completely removed from the cylinder. it can be fixed by changing TEMP of PUMP inside cylinder, but high pressure breaks wifi's. so i decided to live it "as is".
Okay.. but it's difficult to tell what's going on.
ok so the fuel ignites as soon as it enters the chamber, and the exhaust is just for looks. not realistic and slightly overcomplicated. but it is still something good.