hey its cool guys it my frist time a have a account
bellaaaaaa sono italiano anchio :D
This look very like my save i had it as a stamp a while when protons
try adding gravity to move the protons faster, like my bomb id:1401296
Don't advertise your own saves on another person's save please.
Hey guys, when you downvote a save.. downvote it because you find something wrong with it! If it's not an exact copy, and it got FP, or if you're downvoting for something stupid like "I'VE MADE DEUT/NEUT BOMBS TOO!" *Cough Cough* Ashax *Cough* THEN DON'T DOWNVOTE! Pretty much the entire reason to downvote is to afterwards tell WHY, not just be like HERMFY DERMFY DERP! I'MMA -1! Also, +1.