203 / 7
10th Jan 2014
18th Mar 2014
This super fast word printer can store multiple very long message at smallest space. It doesn't need a buffer because the print speed is below 8 frames per letter so you can hold down on a key without causing damage.
printer brokeit omfgamazin skipintrowygh benthecrazy cray word electronics spark electronic


  • cccp3
    17th Jan 2014
    add the character for multiplication (its a dot in the middle, not a x or a *
  • h4zardz1
    17th Jan 2014
    muiltipress broke it. bahajahahahahahahahahahhahaha
  • nijalninja98
    17th Jan 2014
    lets see if it makes the 10 000 views mark.
  • alextsai
    17th Jan 2014
    That is a very interesting way of storing memory...
  • brandon24201
    17th Jan 2014
    this is really cool,i was amazed for nearly a week lol +1
    16th Jan 2014
    This is awesome. Best electronics ive ever seen. I mean i understand something of tpt electronics I tried PI and it just continued. tried to figure out where it was saved cause this is incredibly compact for so much data. Found it out at least and... this capacity is revelutionary...
  • mmiikkaaiill
    16th Jan 2014
    The Best. +1
  • Technofreak
    16th Jan 2014
    This is the best word printer I've seen so far. Great work!
  • thespazz
    16th Jan 2014
    lol not RAM, memory. my bad
  • thespazz
    16th Jan 2014
    i think when you press a key. it tells the RAM (the filt) what array to spark on the bottem, then it sparks the all array the array on the left side. to send the code out to the wifi on the right side of the RAM. then while the typer types, another set of electronics will move the typer at the right time. (that is a run through) but i could be wrong lol.