part 1 of a 3 part city called Von Zepplin's Berlin this section is the city park it has a small section of berlin down town as well as a small park and a small zepplin hanger and service area next save will be berlin downtown complete with the reinstage
don't troll his save
I dont think any of these buildings are his.... all of his other saves look nothing like this....
i will go find a refrigerator to chill .... wich gives me an idea to build one wich i do not know how to build.....
everybody please stop being pissy face its a video game chill.
Why is there deisel in the zeppelins? I guess this is just a cosmetic thing.
id rather stay out of this.....
Maybe you should learn some manners while you're at it, too. I'm sure if you are an adult you should have some instead of telling people to shut up and not caring about things.
This isn't KSP where you make whatever you want. You aren't the only one playing, others are, too.
wolfaston1: If you made this for your amusement you probably shouldn't have published it as public, or you shouldn't be playing TPT as we have rules here....
this is epic...but all of the airships should be yellow submarines... :) loved it!!!