86 / 25
28th Dec 2013
28th Dec 2013
Makes VIBR in a rube goldberg machine-like fashion. Includes some Breaking Bad Artwork (JUST CAUSE AND IT'S THE BEST SHOW EVER)! Yep. That's it. Enjoy!
thepowdermasters veryslow electronic vibranium vibrbags overcomplicated radioactive slow


  • ShadowPlasma
    28th Dec 2013
    I agree with TheKittyCat -1
  • TheKittyCat
    28th Dec 2013
    Cool concept, but it was just too slow. And I knew it would be slow, but this was pushing it though. -1
  • gunman13
    28th Dec 2013
    But that's you're opinion so I'll respect it.
  • gunman13
    28th Dec 2013
    @kaimaa did you not read the desc? By saying it was in the style of a Rube Goldberg machine it was also implying that it was slow. Also, it's not a form of entertainment, it's a factory so IDK what "and I yawned" is supposed to mean...
  • kaimaa
    28th Dec 2013
    its kinda slow and i yawned
  • Skitz
    28th Dec 2013
    I'm trying to create phomium. It's a modded element in working on. I have all of its' properties set, but I don't know how to code it. Who knows how to code? Reply please.
  • gunman13
    28th Dec 2013
    @Mr-Cool I'll update that later, thanks for the suggestion!
  • Mr-Cool
    28th Dec 2013
    Just a tip, when dispencing the VIBR, set the DLAY a little lower, itll make the process much faster, good work!