86 / 25
28th Dec 2013
28th Dec 2013
Makes VIBR in a rube goldberg machine-like fashion. Includes some Breaking Bad Artwork (JUST CAUSE AND IT'S THE BEST SHOW EVER)! Yep. That's it. Enjoy!
thepowdermasters veryslow electronic vibranium vibrbags overcomplicated radioactive slow


  • gunman13
    30th Dec 2013
    @quecksilber whatever, it's your falt for being an idiot and not understanding that it HAS to take that long... I'm not even going to try and explain it once more because you are clearly too stupid to understand how this works.
  • quecksilber
    30th Dec 2013
    I have probably slow computer but this process takes about 5 minutes. It's too long! I had to downvote!
  • gunman13
    30th Dec 2013
    Someone tagged it as overcomplicated... If that was an insult, did you read the desc.? Because if you were trying to insult the factory and I you just made yourself look like a total tard :P a Rube Goldberg machine is any overcomplicated machine that does a simple task. -_-
  • gunman13
    29th Dec 2013
    Thank you so much @Ryan316 that means a lot to me. @Paul99 I would have used that method, but if you use that EXOT-NEUT mix it has to touch at least 1 PX of VIBR to turn the rest into VIBR, and I wanted everything to be done by scratch. It was a good idea though, thanks for mentioning that.
  • iamdarkness
    29th Dec 2013
    the neutron idea wont work as it activates clone and i did it with cursor it copyed the from on the inside of the diamond figured id ave u some time
  • blk
    29th Dec 2013
    Pressured plutonium makes neutrons.
  • Paul99
    29th Dec 2013
    Gunman, if you beamed a few neutrons into the exot, the factory would act a bit faster. Not entirely sure how you could legitimately generate neutrons, though.
  • Ryan316
    29th Dec 2013
    very well done! this is a great save! even if the reaction is slow. I get that it has to be and just forget about these idiots. ignore them. Their opinions mean nothing. if they are too stupid to understand any of this than it is their problem not yours and they do not deserver to be playing a game where their idiocy can effect others success. But i do like this save. +1
  • gunman13
    29th Dec 2013
    Thx Paul99 and himeman. @quecksilber your opinion is based on idiotic reasoning so whatever your reason to hate is it doesn't make you look good either way. @0xFF I'm actually happy that you disliked, because you didn't say "It slow" like all of the retards who don't understand why.
  • 0xFF
    29th Dec 2013
    too many logos. -1.