Instead I republish it or just let it sit there. What I'm trying to say is that people have their opinions, and haters are gonna hate. So deal with it, because if you quit TPT because of haters, you're more than likely to hurt yourself in real life for the same reason. Just ignore them and keep making awesome stuff man.
Hey listen man, I like your stuff a lot, and I don't know why people hate on it, but it happens, alright, when I really want to, I work on things for hours on end, until everything is what I consider perfect. And guess what happens. I get a load of dislikes, but I don't go on telling people that if they keep disliking I will quit TPT, that would be childish and immature.
Please dont, i like your stuff
It could be one person who hates you just downvoting your saves soon after they appear. Most people upvote your saves.
masters gonna.... um... yeah...
so why are you letting people downvote this? the're just gonna take advantage about that and downvote for "fun" or because they think its "funny to downvote" or they are just really obidiante and my brother is koox +1