@PTUniverse It is not hardcoded. I easily fooled it into a dead end, and then it headed back the other way. This is the first thing I have seen on powder toy that can make its own real decisions (The glados save could only react to certain things) and this deserves front page. Pilotnotflying, You. Are. A mastermind. +1...million.
Very nice. Maybe if you could make the robot move one unit per movement (its size for example) and read the surrounding walls for picking a direction to go it could resolve any maze with the right width of corridors.
now this is worthy of the front page, good job
this is not hardcoded i chked that my drasticly changing the map and it still solved it also some of the things that baffle it seem to be openings without a wall on 3 ends
i put my electronic jammer, and the thing crash the diamonds!
It`s AMAZING. +1
How long did it take you to perfect this save?
its astonishing it can navigate both T-junctions and dead-ends. yoshi is right that it cant detect paths in walls as its moving, but as it stands its still quite the feat. if you want my two cents; deco it like a mouse, open up the exit so it can get out of the maze, and put some cheese at the end. :)
@PTuniverse I don't really know what you mean by hardcoded. It appears to detect when it runs into a wall and simply pick a direction. It should be able to navigate any* maze, given that the corridors are the right width and that the walls are DMND. *Note: There are certain configurations that would probably baffle it, but such configurations would only appear if built intentionally.