Normal and working models of the Admiral Graff Spee, a German heavy cruiser (or Pocket Battleship) that served for the German Kriegsmarine during WWII.
also for the 88mm AA guns use cray with a ctype of bray and spark it with inst then the bray will go thru the ship.
lol do u ever get bored of making ships?
the flag on the boat on top is broken. you should fix that. :D
Anyways... Beautiful model. Really like how you just put in so much detail. While not an EXACT copy (Looking at the actual blue-prints currently).. It is pretty damn close. +1 and Fav.
Hey.. I know this boat! It was sort of like the first stealth ship.
Lovely model 1+
*electrocutes water* *destroys entire fleet*
best ship ever!
I really wish it could sink or like disintegrate.
Its been soo long since iv seen a new ship on FP. (*hugs Butter*)