wondering how theres so many proton and virus saves answer is beta testers
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CatAnimationExtra... A hydrogen atom is one proton - one electron. Atomic hydrogen. In nature all hydrogen exists as at least two hydrogen atoms joined into a molecule, H2. As in H2O. That PROTs and ELECs combine to form an actual atom is cool. Now if NEUT could be thrown in and combined with the other two, every ( actual ) element could be constructed from scratch in TPT. Do it. Do it now.
guys im invistigation whit PROT... so look at this: ID:1356373 Add there Explosives, Gases, Lidqids to see them efect.... its so amasing what i found!
Everything is PROT now. Guess I'm not nerdy enough to realize the awesome... Ok, fine! I think PROT is pretty sweet too!