im not actually insane,just bored.
oh,it wasent supposed to be that long,whoops.
wrtting that insane delarious crazy stupid verukt comment.
so in short i have just killed ten miniutes.
wheres this beutiful island? i dont mean any offence,just that a really cool city could be here.this is good,just not good enough,if i make any sense.or im just being delarius,and typing random rubbsih now,which would make me insane,because im typing random comments random comments would make me delarious or insane of both but maybe only one but maybe both but that means im crazy whichs is the same as delarious and insane so im delarius,insane and crazy.BUT that means im stupid,delarious,insane,crazy and insane,but i now mean no sense and am typing random rubbish so im delarous and insane so im delarius and crazyly insane and insane and delarius and insane and delarius and insane and delarius and crazy and insane.BUT that means im crazy,insane,delarius stupid and verukt(spelling?) so im delarius verukt,stupid insane stupid crazy.
robogeek537... Short of video, there could be no FULLY realistic looking impact. 12rl... I would never claim that my saves are superior to others. Well, perhaps in the giant-(insert fruit here)-hitting-an-island category I don't suck. I RESPECT YOU BOTH FOR LETTING ME KNOW WHY YOU DOWN VOTED!!! I wish it was more common for other down voters to do the same. Now, could I interest either of you in a trip to a beautiful tropical island I know of?.
cool,but i dont think this should be on FP because there are other saves that could have been here,which are better. sorry but -1
not fully realistic impact... -1