loads of buttons, design took many hours. I used the shape of an old WW2 fighter, and mixed it with a futuristic fighter jet. Inspired by Technofreak. made 100% by me.
why The Spark
Triple posting now XD
Sorry for double posting.
This one doesn't have deco though, don't know why I said this on this creation.
I don't feel like people should use Deco, people should see the mechanics. unless you want to hide something.
Epic Labs vehicle testing grade: A++ survived 4 (epic brand pressure nukes) on all sides (side note: the one on the bottom left failed to detonate, manually detonated) with only the middle guns being destroyed and other than that not a scratch. various other tests (dest, thunder, ligh, ect.) proved this was a very strong weapon +1 (if i could +2)
black deco? you use deco alreasdy anyways.......
Awesome, +1 (ps im confused what the wing lights are for...)
I cant make the weapons do damage, I know how, but it would be ugly.
nice work man