Sledge Hammer Industries' latest weapon installment that is capable of 3 tasks.
oops grammar mistake *to
P.S., electrons are extremely hard too make travel in a straight line without using cray, so making an electron laser would be interesting but useless. :|
@schneumer, although I find that dislike totally unreasonable, I am happy that you weren't hesitant to share your thoughts. Please remember that this is a rare laser that uses Gravity pump to shoot the phot/neut at extremely high speeds, by using the Gravity pump it drained much of the power/heat from the phot/neut and that is why the heating rods had to be made a larger size, to regulate the temperature to less than perfect for a laser.
P.S. You should add elec...
I'm not hating but being honest, i've seen better. At max temp is whwat i eman by better.....and smaller too. so sorry, 1-
This is extremely interesting. Its sort of a concept I've seen many times before, but none of them have been THIS powerful. I do salute you for making a laser that can penetrate one of my 4 way pstn's armor, so, +1 and fav. But, I'd like to work on making it smaller with your permission.
Thanks for all of the great feedback!! You guys are awesome! But @Orgich, I'm pretty sure that this is a laser...
This is the best laser I have ever seen, it makes all other lasers (especially mine) look like billy goat squat! +10000
Try to set PSTN that front ARAY laser the TMP2 to 1