Sledge Hammer Industries' latest weapon installment that is capable of 3 tasks.
And thanks for the tips, I TOLD YOU THAT I'M A NOOB!!!
Ok I'll try, no hard feelings, right?
well you can still add it :) just put something else with pstn and more switches and VOILA! you have electrons
actually.....a little tip is that pcln ignites other pcln, so you don't have to use tron to cool down the switches on the reaper can make the life of acel really high for light speed photons, etc......and there was something else, but i forgot....dang it!
Once you have, you will see that I am a total noob at this game. So please take it easy on what you say/do. Because I didn't even think that this would be on fp, so sorry for not catering to your need of electrons in it.
yes i understand it needs to be big now. but i maybe can be smaller with my new heating tech... COMES OUT WHEN VERSION 89.0 isn't beta anymore! <(is this advertising? sorry then.)
Ok @Schneumer, please take a look at my other saves.
and it's not that rare......acel. now grav + acel + fray +something i dont know= rare :)
no it isn't..... SIGH..... you can make phot go through bizr to make electrons.....the readon? just cuz there could be a better save on fp but not a bad laser.....also, i've seen lasers with grav pump before (i'm pretty sure i ahev, can't remember
Oh, and runemaster like it says, anything is free to copy, please post your modifications to it and comment the id of it to this post so that I can see it!