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28th Sep 2013
18th Apr 2014
i simply open this idea for discussion as it has been floating inside my head for quite a bit. i am sick of overlapping and layering until bhol forms; creating inconsistant patterns of elements that do not hold up well. i want TRUE ALLOYS.
alloy alloys metal nano element elements science cobaltyash idea


  • damionfeller
    20th Nov 2013
    i am a metallurgist and since my day is spint using The science that deals with procedures used in extracting metals from their ores, purifying and alloying metals, and creating useful objects from metals and there alloys can tell you that you are right currintly in tpt you can not make a true alloy yet you wuld need to blend metals at a atomic level and pattern
  • CobaltYash
    7th Oct 2013
    i mean being able to take ANY qualities of any and all elements and being able to shape your own, and share it with others.
  • ElectricTech
    7th Oct 2013
    for the c-4 you mean like this? ID:1314885 but sadly it is temp sensitive
  • CobaltYash
    4th Oct 2013
    while it may be a challenge, i don't think it would be WAYYYYY too hard...
  • megamageiii
    4th Oct 2013
    Not a bad idea, but it would be really hard for the developers to make :\
  • CobaltYash
    4th Oct 2013
    imagine the possibilities when opening some random "BEST METAL ALLOY EVER" custom alloy save, and finding an alloy of love and lol, or an alloy of insl and gold? what about explosive alloys made of TNT and C4, and DMG? we could finally have the C4 that actually blows up and does something, instead of it being weak fire. imagine the possibilities! GLOW WATER.... HYDROGEN ICE... DEUT ICE... NEUT PLASMA... ACID WARP.... GBMB DMG... TNT PASTE.... imagine.... the... possibilites....
  • CobaltYash
    4th Oct 2013
    possibly, it would be nice if powdertoy had a built in mini workshop (same as the blank page button when drawing dust and water) but instead it is a MOD TOOLS WORKSHOP that allows you to create a custom element with the features of any other element or elements combined. everyone could then have a little seperate favorites tab, or saved custom elements folder containing all of their alloys. some might say, "if you want to create such a powerful metal, why don't you just use diamonds?" i don't accept that as an answer, people would and already do just make everything out of diamond, whats the fun in that? building structures and machines to post them so that others can test their strenght and destroy them so that their weaknesses can be found and strengthened and improved! destructible saves are often the most creative.
  • CobaltYash
    4th Oct 2013
    that is very interesting and i mentioned it in the save, but what i want to really do, is make TRUE ACTUAL ALLOY, without layering, all in one pixel. i want to be able to make a real alloy of iron and gold, iron that can't oxidize! alloy of gold and ttan, acid resistant ttan! TTAN + TUNG shatter proof super heat resistant pressure blocking metal i want all the metals and metaloids to have special properties and have special properties when alloyed with eachother, in addition i would like to be able to then mix my alloys, not just having 2 metals within them, but MANY. i would mix gold ttan tung shd4 together somehow, and make a SUPER METAL that heals a little bit. what about an alloy of merc and deut? adding elec and neut to that would create electrowarp-otized-super hydrogen ahhh WHO KNOWS? but that is going far deep into alloys of other non metal elements... i want NO LAYERS, NO pixel checkering, i want REAL TRUE ALLOY ELEMENTS.
  • sentinal-5
    2nd Oct 2013
    with intelligent use of leyered elements, you can make nano alloys which perform specific functions. i have made some rocket fuel, and am working on electronic parts. e.g. 3 pixel logic gates, and a single pixel which can hold 5x the charge and allow more efficient charging batteries (super capacitors).
  • CobaltYash
    28th Sep 2013
    share your thoughts.