151 / 49
18th Sep 2013
25th Sep 2013
WOW i didnt thaught that it will be on FP thanks for all and check out my other creations they are better than this one
nuke fusion caboooooooom reactive itsfission veryoldidea


  • wipyman
    18th Sep 2013
    Hydrogen fusion forces two double bonded Hydrogen particles together under extreme heat and pressure to generate a helium atom and e = energy.
  • Mr_Random
    18th Sep 2013
    This would be an awsome roket
  • Empoliam
    18th Sep 2013
    In real life, fission is spliting atoms and fusion is fusing them
  • Empoliam
    18th Sep 2013
    nope. Fission is the reactions of deut and plut with neutrons. Fusion is when hydrogen, noble, co2 or oxygen get hot enough and are put under enough pressure to turn into something else.
  • Borkel
    18th Sep 2013
    Is fision, not fusion. Fusion is obtained from uranium (in TPT plutonium have the same properties) and the fision is obtained from deuterium.