Anyone can enter, just post the ID of the bomb and your score. Read the signs in the save for the full info.
ElectricTech: docked several points for lasting forever, but you're in, having done it naturally. Very good!
Ouros: Yeah, it is a really great bomb.
ID:1312589 :)
I had it on the FP for a while... if you don't explicitly ban it, it WILL beat virtually any destructible wall.
...Now I feel like an a** for having rejected two really good bombs in a row :(
I'd say that's one of the better bombs I have seen in a very long time...but it uses WARP as its main mechanism.
Just cut off the edges that go out of the box.
Azure Lotus: 1265346
Umm...that reeeaallly doesn't fit in the box...Nice bomb though!