this is for the people intrested in any feild of scine to have public debates and descusions post in the comments what you would like me to start then i will make a link to a new save
idk i am gona need some help with the badges
i like it, how about ill make a link to that page here, and you can be incharge of that stuff? like it?
its this but its not done yet id:1313947
everyone we need to start comming up with new topics, none has posted anything in the graavity one.
whats the id
ok iill take look, and as for the logo, i was thining that we all make one and vote for the best. im not the best at making logos
*gona be
So what is gana be owr clan logo?! i am so excited :D
FPS, umm, what???
@fpsrussia i have made a save for a club if you want i will give it to you