On September 11th 2001, The United States was hit by a terrorist attack that killed thousands. This is a memorial save. We will never forget those who lost their lives. My prayers to anyone who lost a friend or family member in the attacks.
today is my moms birthday :(
i do!!!!!!!!!!!!
@astronomer655... imagine if it happened to your family...now do you understand?
sry for double post but remember the flight who fought back too guys
this one is better
Why you gotta make them explode?
happy 911
@astronomer655 you know what really annoys me, the fact that no matter how serious or emotional something is, there will always be someone who thinks that they dont have to respect those people. 9-11 affected everyone in the world, and some people may have been affected differently. i am also not from America but i don know the importance of not forgetting what can happen and did happen on that day.
I have friends who were directly impacted
it was all probably a cover up to give america a reason to invade iraq to take the oil there but still, lets all remember the people who died and the people who saved those who survived. as well as those who survived, you know, fancy philosophical stuff like that.