On September 11th 2001, The United States was hit by a terrorist attack that killed thousands. This is a memorial save. We will never forget those who lost their lives. My prayers to anyone who lost a friend or family member in the attacks.
type o sorry i try not to think about it
my father was there and he saw it all happend ,when he tell;s the story he always say's any thing can happend at any time no matter were...sorry to put this out there but today is my birth day :) i try not to let this think of this because when i do i realy dont want to celebrate my b-day :(
Hey guys this is about honoring the fallen not arguing
@iamdarkness thats funny though
no its not that its just the wahy he said it, your a sadist
love the fact that 3 comments can make 3 or 4 guys go ballistic in the comments lol tell all ya want it wont change my mind
@fpsrussia One can't mourn so publicly and expect people to not think you are trying to get attention... Mourning is a private activity, which many other people do due to their losses, and other major events aren't as publicised as 11/9 so... Who cares? You'll answer that many Americans do because their lives were affected. Just as many Americans do not care since they aren't affected by the happenings! tl;dr - It's not that big of a deal. Get over it, it's been 12 years. Move on as a civilization.
@masowarrior he might have not made this just for the sake of getting front page. you obiously have no care for this event. i made mine to mourne, not for fame
here is my version i like yours 2