80 / 55
11th Sep 2013
12th Sep 2018
On September 11th 2001, The United States was hit by a terrorist attack that killed thousands. This is a memorial save. We will never forget those who lost their lives. My prayers to anyone who lost a friend or family member in the attacks.
patriotic sadsadday remember neverforget tower memorial city pentagon ketchupmaster


  • fpsrussia
    12th Sep 2013
    wheres the link?
  • KetchupMaster
    12th Sep 2013
    Ok Cool
  • fpsrussia
    12th Sep 2013
    im not exactly advertising, but i just think it goes along with it
  • fpsrussia
    12th Sep 2013
  • fpsrussia
    12th Sep 2013
    can you please put an link to my the day after one
  • KetchupMaster
    12th Sep 2013
    I am sad to see how little people care about a disaster. It is true other disasters do happen and I will post saves for other major ones as well
  • ldfleur
    12th Sep 2013
    To say that others are insensitive when you admit that this post might be offensive makes you and this whole post insensitive to those the post might offend. Where's the logic in this?
  • AuburnTigers1
    12th Sep 2013
    You people are so insensitive. If this is considered offensive, so be it, but to say that nobody cares is too far. It's like saying the Holocaust was a cover-up. You shouldn't say people don't care about terorist attacks that kill thousands
  • AuburnTigers1
    12th Sep 2013
    To all you idiots who think people do not care about this anymore: grow a heart. THREE THOUSAND PEOPLE lost their lives. In fact, a good piece of the people who died were people who fought back, knowing that they would not make it out alive, and commandeered the hijacked plane for the good of thousands more people. They sacrificed their lives for the safety of others, and I would like to point out that one of those guys called his wife just before then, saying "tell the kids i love them. I love you." and then said, 'Let's roll', hanging up and knowing that it would be the last time he ever heard his wife's voice
  • cmcgee1213
    12th Sep 2013
    Either because its simply destructable buildings just editted or because like NikolaAnicic007, they hait us too.