First of all, the remark about your jealousy was a joke to make light of your rude behaviour. Second of all, your english sucks, so it's best if you just shut up, please. I've had enough of your hate.
"and people are JEALOUS "how can we be JEALOUS in this save you didnt create shit and i have seen your othere creations and they are cool but in this one you did put a bomb too strong and i mean very strong so try to not put too that many dmg and other thing that involve hight presure! and sory for colling you a retard i was angry for no apperent reason so sory
becouse this creation was on fp for no apparent reason
also, how did this get so many views??!!
looks like some people are a little JEALOUS! jk :D but seriously...a little less hate please. and drakon3, what is the ID of your Tesla gun?
get this off, the wall was meant to be a concept, not to be strong.
cheated the wall dident even get a chance to be born its like killing a solider went its in its mum still.