Battlefield 2142, is an Online Futuristic Shooter. Also my favorite game. Dedicated to whom i have met in that game, but dedicated to all who play this. I want to give credit to Soap for his Mini-Tank's concept, The first one: 1296712
Yes, exactly. Except without lazers. It makes it more "realistic."
@Krystian260599 no, BF2142 is a FPS game... just like halo and CoD.
For some reason this reminds me of halo... , any way is that game 2D ?
Maybe add some clouds?
I'll be sure to do that.
No link to the 1st BF2142 save?
Well. I'll plan on adding more, but in the real game this is what you get. I just scaled it down.
I like it but it seems kinda empty.
If you Dislike say why in the comments so i can hear your feedback on what i can change/add.