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well ill remove the pump except for the uranium one ok?
oh and the conv in allowed in my case i think and the pump, uz i dont use them for armor its all for presure and stuff if you want to go check you can just user:schneumer if you have doubts
*spaceship not soaceship
OK but who will be the judges? kikinicj and the greats? so does that mean pwoder doesnt get to play? also gary55 is a pro.....but i havent seen him make a spaceship except with the collab im doing with hime right now? I CALL THAT ANOTHER RULE IS THAT ONLY PEOPLE WHO HAVE NEVER MADE A SOACESHIP CAN PARTICIPATE. VOTE FOR MY RULE. also, you already amde some, but that doesnt matter
All I'm saying is my proposal is giving the smaller creators the chance they never had to face the " greats" if you will on fp. My plan is the more objective of the two and offers a more interesting take on the standard competition sheumer proposes that one sees almost everyday when applying to miscellaneous clubs on tpt. IF YOU WANT YOUR VOICE TO BE HEARD OR YOUR CREATIVITY TO BE SEEN IN AN OBJECTIVE AND EQUAL JUDGING ENVIROMENT VOTE FOR MY PLAN!
oh and the diamond thing works with frme too.....i use frme too in my phot laser
so is the diamond thing allowed guys?
so maximum number per group is three? you and number, me and gary55, and pwoder with someone.
how about a small war between all of us. but we still follow those rules
well they will be the judges....hmmm good point