85 / 26
17th Aug 2013
1st Mar 2015
No Description provided.
scout armor savesunited engine starship armoured laser ship attack arcova


  • Danieliscool
    18th Aug 2013
    A war is much better
  • Danieliscool
    18th Aug 2013
    I agree with sheumers rules mostly but disagree with the competition it would drown out alot of smaller creators...
  • Danieliscool
    18th Aug 2013
    all of the fray armor and heat resistant elements that block all lasers like insl and gel.
  • Danieliscool
    18th Aug 2013
    such as the ones sheumer metioned like explosives but i believe that some of the smaller creators might need them to be able compete with larger ships...
  • Danieliscool
    18th Aug 2013
    My rules are limited use of certain element
  • TheNumberCrucher
    18th Aug 2013
    some of them are okay... but You havent made any rules have you daniel!!!!
  • Danieliscool
    18th Aug 2013
    see sheumers plan doesnt achieve a consensus?!
  • TheNumberCrucher
    18th Aug 2013
    I just spent about LITERALLY 10 MINUTES reading the comments and rules and crap. I agree on acouple of Schneumers rules. juts a couple.
  • Danieliscool
    18th Aug 2013
    ALSO VOTERS lok closely at sheumer's plan it doesnt offer many creators a choice in what may be the largest organization of tpt creators ever..... Just Think About That....... Vote for me, vote for creative freedom!
  • Danieliscool
    18th Aug 2013
    Moderators or the "greats" can judge unlike you I give the people a CHOICE in these matters. My plan offers the greatest amount of choice and parcipation for ALL creators. Please vote for the moderators or the "greats" to judge. I believe that if the "greats" judge they can participate only if they have their creations judged by other nonbiased creators.